Multi-Regolith Refinery

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This article was created with data and values from version 0.92.99 (current: 0.93.15). They might not be up to date anymore.


The Multi-Regolith Refinery is an advanced version of the Single Regolith Refinery, designed to extract multiple types of oxides from lunar regolith. This module crushes the rock and separates oxides from slag using a chemical decomposition procedure.

The Multi-Regolith Refinery is significantly larger than the standard Single Regolith Refinery, allowing it to hold more chemical reagents and have multiple conveyor lines for various oxides. The Multi-Regolith Refinery can separate virtually all types of oxides from slag, thus replacing several standard refining units.

The Multi-Regolith Refinery will stop operation if ANY of the output slots are filled up. To gain continuous output you therefore have to keep consuming (or storing) all outputs at production rate.


Name Description
Research Type Engineering
Research Name Multi-Regolith Refinery
Power Consumption 28
CPU Consumption 5



Engineering research:
Multi-Regolith Refinery
Research Amount
Blue Science 2,850
Orange Science 5,900
Green Science 1,250


Engineering research:
Multi-Regolith Refinery upgrade I
Research Amount
Blue Science 4500
Orange Science 6000
Green Science 2500
Engineering research:
Multi-Regolith Refinery Upgrade II
Research Amount
Blue Science 6500
Orange Science 8500
Green Science 2500
Engineering research:
Multi-Regolith Refinery Upgrade III
Research Amount
Blue Science 9790
Orange Science 18500
Green Science 4500

Construction cost

12 Steel(Steel)
10 Silicon(Silicon)
22 Smart Concrete(Smart Concrete)
6 Titanium Plates(Titanium Plates)
5 Components(Components)
3 Microcircuits(Microcircuits)