Conveyor belts

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This article was created with data and values from version 0.92.99 (current: 0.93.15). They might not be up to date anymore.


Conveyor belts are used to transfer resources from one building to another.

There are currently 5 different tiers of conveyor belt in the game.


All research are part of the engineering branch.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Conveyor Mk. 1
Research Amount
Blue Science 0
Orange Science 160
Green Science 0
Conveyor Mk.2
Research Amount
Blue Science 3800
Orange Science 4900
Green Science 450
Conveyor Mk. 3
Research Amount
Blue Science 4800
Orange Science 7700
Green Science 1500
Conveyor Mk. 4
Research Amount
Blue Science 9900
Orange Science 19800
Green Science 5500
Conveyor Mk. 5
Research Amount
Blue Science 20000
Orange Science 40000
Green Science 10000
Speed 60 i/m 150 i/m 300 i/m 450 i/m 600 i/m
Building Cost 250 750 1750 3750 7750



Underground Conveyor I
Research Amount
Blue Science 1350
Orange Science 2800
Green Science 0

Speed: Dependant on connected conveyor belt tier. The Underground conveyor doesn't impose a speed limit of its own.

Building Cost: 3000 for every side.

Distance increases

Underground Conveyor II
Research Amount
Blue Science 4850
Orange Science 5900
Green Science 650
Underground Conveyor III
Research Amount
Blue Science 9850
Orange Science 13900
Green Science 3000
Underground Conveyor IV
Research Amount
Blue Science 9500
Orange Science 20300
Green Science 4000

Programmable Splitter

Programmable Splitter
Research Amount
Blue Science 600
Orange Science 6000
Green Science 1100

Note: currently WIP.

Total Research Cost

(All total values do not include the programmable splitter as it is currently marked as work in progress.) Research required for the conveyor belts themselves (including all underground upgrades):

Research Amount
Blue Science 64050
Orange Science 115460
Green Science 25100

Research required for the conveyor belts and all required technologies:

Research Amount
Blue Science 82250
Orange Science 152630
Green Science 35400



To build conveyor belts open the conveyor belt menu.

Here you can select the elemnts you want to build as well as a selection to upgrade or dismantle existing conveyors. You also have a selection to make belts drop the items that are currently on them.

"Building" a conveyor in this mode doesn't actually place them or spend any resources. Instead a "ghost" is placed. This allows you to plan massive conveyor networks, even if you don't have the resources to actually build them.

Hovering over one of these ghosts will highlight a segment. Holding "Alt" (default) and clicking on it will build the highlighted section, spending the required resources.

Hovering over one of these ghosts while pressing "Shift" (default) and having either the "Upgrade" or "Dismantle" tool active will highlight all directly highlited sections, allowing you to mass upgrade or dismantle entire conveyor sections.

When merging or splitting conveyors a Distributor is automatically planned at the intersection. This automatically built Distributor is not to be confused with the Programmable Splitter, though it does have a basic filter system. The automatically generated version can not manually created.

Basic Distributor Filtering

When no filters are applied, the distributor works in a soft round-robin mode: It will send one item to each output, then start again from the first. If an output that would receive an item next is blocked (either by a setting, the output not having a conveyor connected or the connected conveyor being full or saturated) it is simply skipped.

The standard distributor has (when selected) a basic filter system for every output. The 5 buttons are (left-to-right): Priority output, Reset settings, Manual control, Block output, Resources. If the priority output is set then the distributor will first check this output. If it is not blocked it will send the incoming resource to this output. If multiple outputs are set as priority output it will operate with the same round-robin logit it uses during normal operation with everything besides the priority outputs being treated like blocked. Only after an item was unable to be sent do a priority output it will enter the distribution logic for the non-priority outputs.

The ”Reset Settings” button resets all output settings to the default values, those being non-priority, unblocked and no resource filter. The “Block output” toggle blocks the distributor from outputting any items to this output.

With the resources submenu you are able to set resource filters for this specific output. Items that are not on this filter will never be output here. Items that cannot be output to any side will instead block the distributor.

There are currently no input-side settings for the distributor

Programmable Splitter

Underground Conveyor Belt

The underground conveyor belt does not impose a speed limit of its own, instead using the lower speed of whatever conveyor tiers are connected to its respective input and output side. The limitation that is lifted with research is it's range instead. It's default range is able to bridge 7 tiles. The advanced researches increase this limit by the following values:

Research Range increase
Underground Conveyor II +4
Underground Conveyor III +6
Underground Conveyor IV +10

At max research an underground connection therefore can bridge 27 cells.


If a conveyor section is connected directly to a machine or storage input hatch it seems to only accept items that it would be able to input into said input hatch. This behaviour requires further testing.