Cargo Dock

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The Cargo Dock is a ground transport terminal for loading and unloading cargo trucks. It is equipped with containers for bulk and pallets for solid cargo, along with conveyor exits for rapid task execution.

Robotic manipulators and powerful electromagnets allow for quick loading and unloading of heavy cargo without requiring operator involvement.

Cargo docks have been widely used in industrial and mining enterprises on the lunar surface since its full-scale development.


Name Description
Research Type Fundamental
Research Name Cargo Dock
Power Consumption 55
CPU Consumption 10


Research Amount
Blue Science 9,900
Orange Science 7,700
Green Science 2,200

Construction cost

50 Steel(Steel)
140 Smart Concrete(Smart Concrete)
30 Components(Components)
10 Microcircuits(Microcircuits)
20 Modular Frames(Modular Frames)
2 Composites(Composites)