Expedition Control Center

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The Expedition Control Center coordinates research missions outside the base. It ensures communication with research groups, allowing the dispatch of transport vehicles with drones or colonists to remote lunar locations.

To maintain communication with lunar objects, the control center is equipped with an array of radio equipment for data transmission and numerous servers and computers for processing received information. Modern equipment enables functions such as route planning, monitoring, data analysis, and decision-making to be fully automated.

The need to alter the approach to studying the lunar surface arose in the 2060s. The distance to Earth’s command centers made real-time control ineffective, and control points at the “Hope-1” station quickly became overwhelmed. In 2069, SCT Ltd. and FASM presented a prototype module for expedition management that required operator participation. In 2074, SCT Ltd., in collaboration with NERPA, introduced the automated Expedition Control Center, which became the foundation for all subsequent models.


Name Description
Research Type Fundamental
Research Name Expedition Control Center
Power Consumption 75
CPU Consumption 5


Research Amount
Blue Science 3,500
Orange Science 800
Green Science

Construction cost

20 Steel(Steel)
30 Silicon(Silicon)
60 Smart Concrete(Smart Concrete)
10 Titanium Plates(Titanium Plates)
14 Components(Components)
8 Microcircuits(Microcircuits)