Large Solar Panel

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This article was created with data and values from version 0.93.05 (current: 0.93.15). They might not be up to date anymore.


A solar panel converts solar radiation into electrical energy. This module consists of panels on a movable structure that allows them to rotate towards the sun and hide underground at night.

Solar panels are the primary source of electricity on the lunar base but cannot function during long lunar nights. Standardized panels for use on the Moon vary in the surface area of the photovoltaic cells: increasing the size of the panel allows for the absorption and conversion of more solar energy.

Solar energy has been the foundation for space exploration since the space race of the 20th century. Industrial exploitation of the Moon and the transfer of production facilities have spurred the development of new energy technologies, but solar panels remain the cheapest and most widely used energy source on the satellite.


Name Description
Research Type Fundamental
Research Name Large Solar Panel
Power Consumption +300
CPU Consumption 5


Fundamental research:
Large Solar Panel
Research Amount
Blue Science 8,500
Orange Science 15,500
Green Science 1,950

Building Cost

54 Silicon(Silicon)
30 Smart Concrete(Smart Concrete)
4 Modular Terminals(Modular Terminals)
8 Modular Frames(Modular Frames)
12 Duralumin Plates(Duralumin Plates)
1 Control Unit(Control Unit)


Even though the output of the large solar panel is technically 300, because you have to research a 15% efficiency bonus before unlocking the large solar panel research it's peak output will always be at least 345.