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This article was created with data and values from version 0.93.05 (current: 0.93.18). They might not be up to date anymore.


In-Game: A resting place equipped with a bar and soft drinks of one's choice. Helps to relieve tension.


Name Description
Power Consumption 10
Water Consumption 0
Oxygen Consumption 0
Colonist Slots 2
CPU Consumption 2


Social research:
Moon Bar
Research Amount
Blue Science 4950
Orange Science 6500
Green Science 14500

Construction cost

20 Silicon(Silicon)
20 Smart Concrete(Smart Concrete)
8 Components(Components)
6 Duralumin Plates(Duralumin Plates)
8 Nanotubes(Nanotubes)
1 Control Unit(Control Unit)