Power System

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In The Crust, most buildings either require, store or generate electrical power.

Power generation

There are two main types of power generation: Sun-dependant and -independant. The solar panels consume no resources, but only generate their power during the day, requiring Batteries to store power for the night.

Power Generation Buildings
Name (Peak) Generation amount CPU consumption CPU consumption per (peak) power
Small Solar Panel 30 2 0.066
Medium Solar Panel 75 3 0.04
Large Solar Panel 300 5 0.016
Fuel Generator 90 1 0.011
RTG 16 1 0.0625
  • The numbers for non-regenerative power sources do not include the energy or CPU consumption for the buildings required for the creation of their fuels.
  • The numbers for solar panels do not include the cost of the batteries required to store their power for the night.
  • The numbers are without any upgrade research.

Power Storage

Power Storage has two main uses:

  • When using solar as main power source they are required in order to not have blackouts during the night.
  • When using other sources of power batteries may be used to create a buffer, allowing power to be built up during low-demand which can then be consumed during high-demand. This is similar to how pump-storage-systems work in the real world.

One unit of output/input is óne Megawatt. The connection betwenn consumption units and storage units is unconfirmed.

There are currently two power storage buildings in the game:

Power Storage Buildings
Name Storage Capacity (Unit) maximum discharge rate (MW) maximum charge rate (MW) CPU cost
Battery 100,000 10 50 1
Large Battery 500,000 50 250 (unconfirmed) 3
  • The numbers are without any upgrade research.

Solar Panels / Batteries ratio

This list lists ratios between solar panels and batteries; meaning how many batteries are required per solar panel to achieve a steady 24/7 output. The battery count is in basic batteries, to get the Large Battery count just divide the Battery amount by 5. Take all of these with a grain of salt as it is unconfirmed whether there are systems playing around with maximum solar panel output (though they have been observed peaking way below their advertised peak.)

Power Ratios
Solar Panel Tier Battery amount steady output CPU / steady output (Battery) CPU / steady output (Large Battery)
1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
3 N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • The numbers are without any upgrade research.

The following table holds some data that will be compiled into the table above when all relevant information is collected.

Temporary Table
Solar Panel Tier Power Storage Unit generation / lunar day
1 81108
2 202870
  • The numbers are without any upgrade research.