The Aftermath of the Disaster

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The first quest after the meteor strike on the moon. At the end of this you will have to pick one of two choices:

  • Save the colonists from HOPE-2
  • Work on contracts to help the effort

Prerequisite Events

Quest Description


Step 1

Install 5 Small Solar Panel
Install 5 Battery

Step 2

Repair the elevator
Connect the Elevator to the network
Build the Charging Station

Step 3

Switch to underground level TAB

Step 4

Connect the modules to the network

Step 5

Convert 5 drones into mining drones

Using Drone Reconfiguration Module

Step 6

Extract Iron Oxide
Extract Silicon Oxide

In mining mode, you can assign drones to each node

(meaning - assign drones to mine veins)

Step 7

Produce 20 Steel
Produce 20 Silicon

Using Smelting Furnace

(counts the amount you already have)

Step 8

Produce 35 Smart Concrete

Using Pressing Module

(counts the amount you already have)

CRUST's offer

Step 9

Research Underground Mining
Build a Regolith Extractor on each vein (2)
Connect the Regolith Extractor's to the network

Step 10

Research Single Regolith Refinery
Build 2 Single Regolith Refinery

Step 11

Select Iron Oxide on a refinery Select Silicon Oxide on the other refinery

Step 12

Research Conveyor Belt
Automate iron production
Automate silicon production

Step 13

Land the Rover
Send the Rover outside the base

Step 14

Switch to global map
(optional, appears only if the player is not on the orbital level)

Step 15

Examine the Repeater - 14 days

Colonist's Path

Step 16a

Contact the Hope-2 crew

(optional, appears only if the player was late for the previous task) (meaning - research the repeater)

Contract Path

Step 16b

Contact CRUST

(meaning - finish your work with the repeater)

Step 17

Report on the status of the Repeater

(optional, appears only if the player was late for Step 15)