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Extracted from underground with the Regolith Extractor or on the surface of the moon via the Mobile Drilling Rig. Regolith can be refined into oxides by using the Single Regolith Refinery or the Multi-Regolith Refinery

Regolith Richness

Regolith Breakdown

When mined Regolith will have a certain amount of richness for each of the oxides and Slag. When underground, you can determine the richness by the type of ore node you place Regolith Extractor on. On the surface you can scan for different oxide types with the Rover Scout's Geological Scanner. If regolith of different richnesses is combined the resulting richness is the weighted average of the input regoliths.

The richness average of regolith extractors placed on underground ore deposits is 20% Titanium Oxide(Titanium Oxide), 20% Iron Oxide(Iron Oxide), 20% Silicon Oxide(Silicon Oxide), 20% Aluminum Oxide(Aluminum Oxide), 20% Slag(Slag), 

The Richness is used to determine the amount of a given element that is gained from regolith generated from this particular source. In the above example, a single regolith refinery set to process silicon oxide would create approximately 1.6 Silicon Oxide and 6 Slag for every 20 Regolith.