Research System

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One of the fundamental systems of the crust is it's research system. It is the primary system used to unlock buildings, other systems, or upgrades. It consists of multiple ways to "generate" research, and the research tree to consume it.

Research points

There are three types of research points:

  • Orange Science Engineering
  • Blue Science Fundamental
  • Green Science Social

They are generated from different sources explained in the Generation section. All Researches require a set amount of research points to be consumed.


Research points are generated from one of the following sources:

  • Rover Scout
  • Expeditions
  • Contracts
  • Science labs

Research Tree

The research tree is split in 3 main branches:


The fundamental tree primarily focuses on unlocking and upgrading the various types of vehicles and buildings of the power system.


The engineering tree primarily focuses on unlocking and upgrading the various types of production, storage, and mining buildings


The social tree primarily focuses on unlocking and upgrading the buildings required by Colonists and the Trading system.