Laser Gun

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This article was created with data and values from version 0.93.22 (current: 0.93.18). They might not be up to date anymore.


The final mission available as of version 0.93.18 of the game. It is significantly harder to give players a sense of 'end game'. More story will be added as Early Access continues.

Prerequisite Events

To trigger this quest you have to achieve the following. There may be delays between each quest triggering.

  1. Build the Repeater
  2. Finding and fixing the Mobile Drilling Rig

Quest Description

Modern sensors have detected a change in the trajectory of the asteroid Toutatis. If nothing is done, in two years it will collide with Earth and lead to the destruction of humanity as we know it. To prevent catastrophe, CRUST has provided plans for the construction of a laser system capable of deflecting the asteroid's course.

Laser Gun - Prevent the catastrophe

Complete the construction of the laser cannon on time to be able to deflect the course of the approaching asteroid.

This is a timed event and you will fail if the time runs out. Plan accordingly.


First stage - Lay the foundation

Send the necessary resources for the first stage of construction.


3600 Steel(Steel)
3950 Smart Concrete(Smart Concrete)
240 Titanium Plates(Titanium Plates)

Second stage - Create infrastructure

Send the necessary resources to complete the second stage of construction.


2850 Silicon(Silicon)
700 Titanium Plates(Titanium Plates)
225 Components(Components)

Third stage - Install the power supply systems

Send the necessary resources to complete the third stage of construction.


850 Components(Components)
128 Microcircuits(Microcircuits)
1125 Carbon Fiber(Carbon Fiber)

Fourth stage - Assemble the laser system

Send the necessary resources to complete the fourth stage of construction.


2000 Carbon Fiber(Carbon Fiber)
215 Modular Terminals(Modular Terminals)
2450 Modular Frames(Modular Frames)
1500 Nanotubes(Nanotubes)

Fifth stage - Install the targeting system

Send the necessary resources to complete the fifth stage of construction.


2825 Titanium Plates(Titanium Plates)
3000 Modular Frames(Modular Frames)
1200 Duralumin Plates(Duralumin Plates)
3450 Nanotubes(Nanotubes)

Sixth stage - Calibrate the laser system

Send the necessary resources to complete the sixth stage of construction.


3450 Modular Terminals(Modular Terminals)
3000 Duralumin Plates(Duralumin Plates)
350 Microprocessors(Microprocessors)
150 Control Unit(Control Unit)

Final stage - Activate the laser cannon

Send specialists to operate the laser system.


3 Control Unit(Control Unit)
3 Level 3 Engineer
1 Level 5 Scientist